What is your eBay ID and how did you come up with it?
I came up with it based on my daughter, after having 3 boys, then finally her, she's been labeled Ms.Thing from day one w/my family. So when I was switching everything to the Boutique side, and making a 'Brand' for myself, I wanted something that was catchy & named after her!
So she's OUR LITTLE MISS THING, who loves all her Bling!
How long have you been designing bows?
Honestly??? for 1.5yrs now! I officially started Feb'07. I practiced for a very short time, it just came naturally to me, and within a month, I was ready to sell!
Do you remember the first bows you sold on eBay?
Yep! I most certainly do!!!
I had joined a Guest B-day Launch, made up a Ribbon Tee, Ribbon Socks, and M2M bows for the set, and that was my first sale........
Where does your inspiration come from?
Good question! I am inspired by my daughter, she loves bows, she loves girly girl everything, and I love to help make all the other little girls feel special just as she is, when they complete their outfits with bows!
PLUS, when I see an outfit, I automatically see bows, I can't help it! I look at the outfit, and I already have a design picked out, and know what colors to use.
I guess I am addicted, LOL!
What is your favorite style and colors to make?
Do I have to choose??? I LOVE patterns and prints, omg, can't get enough of them!
I have my totally layered stacked bows that I always make, and they have become my signature bows!
Colors??? I love them all!!! I don't know how I can honestly choose which are my favorite, because at any time, as I'm cutting ribbon, I think to myself.........
Wow! this is a really good color..........LOL
What is your favorite bows you have made?
My favorite bows??? Well.........if I have to choose........
I'd probably say my Punk lines, that was definitely a favorite of mine to do. All the color combos, styles, prints that you can do.........
and Runner Ups would be my Ballet bows & most recent, the Froggy bows, those are very popular too!
How did you become to be a Giggle Girl?
Actually, one of the Girls bid on my bows, it was Shannon of Chelseas_Pretty_Things, and we got to talking, she mentioned her group, and I was like, Oh yeah???
I offered for her to try me out, and that I would make up some bows from the Gymbo line, Chelsea Girl, and see if I did Ok on them, and the next thing she said, 'I talked to our Leader, and I basically said, Hey, found us a Bow Girl, so sending her the invite, LOL'
and that's how it all started..........LOL, she didn't even see my bows till way later, and still not sure if I did OK on them???
I can definitely say that this has been one of the best things that ever happened to me. I've made some of THE MOST amazing friends you could ever imagine, and we're definitely a group that's totally unique! We get along so well, we forget that we're even a group, it's pretty much become family amongst us, and we all treasure, value, love and support each other immensely! I just went on my 1yr Anniversary with them today, June 17th!
What tips could you give to current/future Designers?
Wow.......well, I guess to first off LOVE what you do! Everything else will fall into place. But my one tip would be to keep Communication key, that is so important with your customers. Life happens, we know it, but keeping the communication open between you & your buyers, that's #1.
OH, and also work with Integrity! People will see who you really are, by how you conduct yourself, and if you're truthful and honest........that will shine thru wherever you go!
Good luck to your future.......
What else would you like to share with us?
Well, hmmmmmm, I guess that I love making Hairbows, Bling Clippies, Headbands, Pony Streamers, and Flower Clippies......
I really enjoy it! and I'm always trying to better myself with everything I do!
Thanks for reading!!!
Stephanie & Miss Thing
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